Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers

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Plot 8843 3 Finance Hse, Khama Cres, P.O.Box 1129, Gaborone. FNB Botswana is the largest commercial bank in the country. We provide a full range of banking services to individuals, businesses, large and small through our array of technologically driven services. Verified Updated. Customer Relationship Management MCQ – CRM Multiple Choice Question with Answers for preparation of academic and competitive exams. CRM is a business philosophy that aims at maximizing in the long run. Contacts with a customer can be managed by phone, fax and e-mail. (True/False) Ans.

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Contact Groups, aka Distribution Lists, are a great way to easily address a single message to multiple people at once. It makes sense to create groups when you do this on a regular basis and always to the same people. Contacts within a group only exist out of a display name and an email address. Managers at all these levels perform different functions. The role of managers at all the three levels is discussed below: LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT. Top Level of Management. It consists of board of directors, chief executive or managing director. The top management is the ultimate source of authority and it manages goals and policies for an enterprise. We asked Google and Microsoft execs, L.A.'s mayor, a famous chef, and other ultra-busy professionals how they get so much accomplished.

Although there is a conventional difference between the terms 'customer' and 'client,' this topic refers to 'customers' as meaning both. Also, although a product is a tangible offering and a service is an intangible offering, this topic often refers to 'products' as meaning both. The activities of customer service apply to any type and size of organization, so the term 'organization' refers to that wide variety. Before reading this topic, you might read about the Relationship Between Managing Supply Chain, Operations, Quality, Customer Relationships and Customer Service.

Sections of This Topic Include

Understanding Customers and Service

Preparing for Providing Great Customer Service

Satisfying Your Customers

Retaining Your Customers

General Resources


Why is Great Customer Service More Important Than Ever?

In the past, an organization was expected to provide a product or service to the customer, and then that transaction was done -- the activity was done to the customer. The customer was more or less at the mercy of the organization.

Today, that is changing dramatically. Customers have a much wider range of organizations, products and services to choose from, and they can access them instantly. Customers can also access numerous sources of useful opinions or reviews about the product or service even before they buy them.

Thus, it is more important than ever that organizations remain very good at attracting, satisfying and retaining customers. Customer service has moved beyond being merely transactional to being highly relational.

What is a Customer? Consumer? Client?

Before we continue, we should get clear on what we are talking about. Different terms mean different things to different people. Here is a broad and useful definition of customer:

  • 'In sales, commerce and economics, a customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea - obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier via a financial transaction or exchange for money or some other valuable consideration.' Wikipedia

A customer becomes a consumer once the recipient begins to use the product or service. A client is a recipient who buys services from an organization, particularly a professional service. For example, nonprofit organizations typically use the term 'client' to refer to anyone who benefits from their products and services.

Types of Customers

The topic of customers and customer service can seem so broad that it is difficult to get a good grasp on understanding them and how to best serve them. It helps a great deal to understand that there are different types of customers. You should recognize them, prioritize them and use that ranking in your product development, sales, marketing and customer service.
Different Types of Customers
5 Types of Customers and How to Approach Them (Pt1)
7 Types of Customers and How to Convert Each of Them
The 11 Universal Types of Customers You Need to Know

Organizations can have internal and external customers. An example of a internal customer is a department in an organization that receives services from another department. For example, the Human Resource Department might get its budget managed -- that is, serviced -- by the Finance Department. An example of an external customer is a person who buys shoes from a shoe store.

Types of Customer Needs

Your organization, regardless of its type or size, cannot survive unless it is meeting the needs of its customers. There is a saying in marketing that customers come to a product or service based on what they want, but they stay based on what they need.

However, there is a vast array of different types of needs that different types of customers have. Also, customers' needs can change rapidly as they grapple to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Similar to knowing the types of customers above, it helps to understand the different overall types of needs that they have. What different types (segments) of customers do you have based on their different needs? What types of needs are each of your products and services meeting for each segment? What types do you want to serve instead or in addition to?
16 Types of Customer Needs (and How to Solve for Them)
The Six Basic Needs of Customers
The Four Needs of a Customer
19 Types of Customer Needs

What Customers Value

There is a difference between knowing the typical needs of customers compared to actually meeting their needs. To begin meeting those needs, it is important to consider what different types of customers typically value in meeting their own needs. To some customers, value is the lowest price. To others, value represents prestige. To others, it represents long-lasting quality. What do your customers value the most from the products and services? How does that value differentiate you from your competitors? Write your unique value proposition.
Customer Value: What is Customer Value?
The 30 Things Your Customers Value Most
Value (Marketing)
The Harvard Business Review Top 30 Customer Values
Four Types of Value a Product Offers to a Customer

What is Customer Service?

In the past, customer service usually meant being understanding and courteous to your customers while they were buying your product. However, today's customers are much more demanding and competition is much stronger. Consequently, it is much more useful to consider customer service to be the type of support that you offer before, during and after your customers buy from you. Many companies today are highly competitive primarily because of the very high quality of their customer service.
What is Customer Service?
Customer Service
The 4 Types of Customer Service and How to Use Them
7 Types of Customer Service: Pros and Cons
10 Types Of Customers Services – Customer Service Channels


The implementation of the guidelines in each this section should be managed by an Implementation Team comprised of at least one member from general management, and management in the functions of sales, marketing and customer service.

Create a Customer Service Management Plan

Busy contacts 1 2 13 – fast efficient contact managers interview

Be Systematic in Your Planning

Strong customer service is so vital to the surviving -- and thriving -- of your organization that it should not be done in a reactive and sporadic approach. Instead, it needs to be done proactively from a well designed customer service management plan. Think about the

  1. Inputs to the system, such as best practices in customer service, sales and marketing; computer technologies; funding; and human resources
  2. Ongoing processes to sustain great customer service, such as clarifying customers' needs, meeting or exceeding those needs, getting feedback, managing complaints, and overall managing customer relationships
  3. Outputs from the system, such as useful reports about customers' needs and activities, and more highly skilled employees in providing customer service
  4. Outcomes, the greatest of all including increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

Establish Customer Service Goals

  1. Consider your organization's overall strategic priorities. For example, does your organization want especially to increase sales and profits, increase impact in the community (if yours is a nonprofit), expand marketshare and/or reduce customer complaints?
  2. Then consider the different types of customers that you have (market segments) and how you want to manage each differently in order to help achieve your organization's goals. For example, do you want to focus even more on the most profitable customers? Reduce the types that generate the least revenues? Expand marketing to new customers to expand marketshare?
  3. Then consider where to focus in your customer service activities in each group. For example, better tools to get feedback from customers, starting a call center, starting a new customer service manager position and/or use more social media?

Be Realistic In Your Planning

Especially if yours is a small to medium-sized organization, or if this is your first time in being focused and intentional about customer service, then be very realistic about your planning. For the first draft of your plan, focus on its most basic elements and then embellish the plan as you implement the plan during its first year.
Customer Service Business Plan Template
Why Your Business Needs a Customer Service Plan
8 Steps to Creating a Superior Customer Service Plan
How to Create a Customer Service Plan
How to Create a Customer Service Plan

Also see
How to Do to Planning

Begin Changing Your Organization's Culture

Great customer service is a mindset. It is a way of thinking, prioritizing and planning about customers in an organization. It guides how decisions are made and how problems are solved regarding customers. When many people in an organization have that mindset, then the organization has a customer service and customer-centric culture. In that culture, organizations always 'partner' with customers to ensure a great customer experience -- they always solicit feedback from customers in order to exceed their expectations.

Research shows that long-lasting, successful change in an organization usually requires a change in its culture. Unless the culture begins to change, it does not matter how much advice and many tools that the organization gets. A change in culture will determine whether they are actually used or not.
What Exactly is a Service Culture?
How To Create A Customer Service Culture
Five Ways to Create a Customer Service Culture
What Does the Term 'Service Culture' Mean & How Do Companies Develop a Service Culture?
How to Build a Strong Customer Service Culture (Without Copying Disney)

Also see
Cultural Change
Team Building

Train Your Employees About Customer Service

Strong customer service requires well developed knowledge and expertise. It requires skills in building trust, having empathy for others, listening, asking thoughtful questions and sharing feedback. These skills do not come easily for most people. Therefore, arrange highly practical trainings for your employees -- trainings that match their busy schedules and trainings that include practice sessions.
The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support
How to Train Staff On Good Customer Service: Tips for Managers
How to Train Your Employees in Customer Service
10 Customer Service Training Tips Your Employees Need To Learn
Ten Tips for Effective Customer Service Training

Also see
About Training and Development


Clearly Identify Customers' Needs

One of the biggest mistakes that an organization can make is to assume that all of its customers are the same. The power of excellent sales, marketing and customer service comes from realizing that different types of customers have different types of needs. Do you have different groups of customers who have different needs? How do you know? Do some need prompt provision of products rather than ordering online? Self-maintainance rather than ongoing support? Basic functionality rather than high-quality? Consider the different groups to be different market segments.
Know Your Customers' Needs
10 Methods for Identifying Customer Needs
Identifying and Meeting Customer Needs
Identifying Customer Needs
15+ Questions to Ask Your Customers to Know Their Needs and Expectations

Also see
How to Conduct Market Research

Meet Customers' Needs

Different market segments have different needs. They have different interpretations of value -- of what will meet their needs. To remain viable, your organization has to be meeting the different needs of its different market segments. How do you best meet the needs of each different market segments? How do you know?
Your Customers' Needs Are Changing. Are You Keeping Up?
Focus First On Meeting Customers' Needs, Not On Delighting Them
What is Customer Value and How Can You Create It?
Customer Value: What it Means and How to Create It
Your Customers Have These 30 Needs. Are You Meeting Them?

Also see
How to Conduct Market Research
Product and Service Development

Get Customers' Feedback

The way to ensure that your organization is meeting the needs of its customers comes especially from their feedback. According to Barb Lyon, there are many different ways to ask: post-purchase and post-support surveys, enclosures in the monthly invoice, follow-up phone calls and quarterly or annual surveys. Each different market segment might prefer different measures. How are you getting feedback from each of your different groups of customers? Is feedback actively solicited or informally collected? What are you hearing from each different market segment? How do you respond to what you are hearing?
7 Reasons Why Customer Feedback Is Important To Your Business
Customer Feedback Strategy: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need
How to Get Quality Customer Feedback – 20 Effective Methods
Top 25 Ways to Get Customer Feedback from the Pros
2 Types of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Also see
Basics of Conducting Focus Groups
How to Give Useful Feedback and Advice
General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews

Measure Customers' Satisfaction

There are numerous different ways to measure the satisfaction of your customers. The challenge with specifying key measures is that not all businesses will use the same metrics. According to Barb Lyon, for call centers, support, and service desks, first call resolution is the Holy Grail. For a shipping operation, product delivery and project implementation, on-time performance is the measuring stick. In a high transaction business, the first interaction with a customer will be a key determinant of whether the customer will return. How should you measure satisfaction for each of your different market segments? How do you know?
My Top 5 Customer Service Metrics
How to Measure Customer Satisfaction?
How to Measure Customer Satisfaction, and Why It's So Important
6 Proven Methods for Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Why and How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

Also see
How to Design Successful Evaluation and Assessment Plans


Retain Customers

It is conventional wisdom among experienced marketers that one existing customer is worth five new ones. Bain & Company found that, 'increasing customer retention by just 5 percent can increase profits by 25 percent to 95 percent.' Yet, conventional wisdom is also that a typical business loses around 20% of its customers per year.

There are a variety of strategies to help retain your customers, as included in the articles listed below. Retention is primarily a result of customer loyalty. What should you be doing to retain the customers in each of your different market segments? How do you know?
What is Customer Retention?
The Ultimate Guide to Customer Retention
20 Customer Retention Strategies
17 Awesome Customer Retention Strategies That Work
10 Customer Retention Strategies to Implement Today

Manage Customers' Complaints

While some organizations consider customer complaints to be signs of failure, others see them as opportunities to learn from. Also, research suggests that customers who experience prompt resolution to their complaints often are some of the most loyal customers. However, there are some best practices in handling complaints that you should be aware of. How are you handling complaints to each of your different market segments? Is that the best approach for each? How do you know?
Why Customer Complaints Are Good For Your Business
The New Rules of Handling Customer Complaints
Developing a Complaint Handling Procedure
Handling Customer Complaints
How to Create Your Own Customer Complaint Process

Manage Customer Relationships

You can understand why the most important aspect between your organization and its customers is the quality of the relationship between the organization and its customers. That quality determines how loyal your customers are to your organization. Fortunately, there has been an increasing amount of research about best practices to manage the relationships. The field has come to be known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Various software packages make it much easier to collect, organize and reference a vast range of information about customers. CRM has been proven to increase the number of customers and profitability for organizations.
CRM 101: What is CRM?
What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?
Customer Relationship Management Tutorial
The Beginner's Guide to CRM: Customer Relationship Management
The Top Reasons CRM Software Fails

Evaluate Your Customer Service Management System

Evaluation should be done while you are working to satisfy your customers and to retain them. Periodically, you should stand back and evaluate your progress in achieving the various goals that you had established for your customer service management system.

Be sure to use the learning from your evaluation activities to improve the next round of the planning of your customer service management system. In that way, you are indeed treating your customer service as a recurring system of aligned and highly integrated activities.
17 Most Effective KPIs To Evaluate Customer Service Performance
11 Customer Service Metrics that Really Matter To Your Business
How to Evaluate Customer Service
How to Evaluate a Customer Service Representative
How Do You Measure Customer Service Success?

Also see
How to Design Successful Evaluation and Assessment Plans

General Resources

Additional Perspectives on Customer Service

Customer Service Tips
How to Manage Client Expectations After You Close a Sale
Do Your Customers Deserve a Bill of Rights?
Beware of Letting Competitors Distract You From Customers!
Customer Service or Torture?
Six Critical Steps to Training High-Quality Customer Service…
6 Tips to Delivering Customer Value (a Leadership Challenge)
Customer Service Answers You Can’t Do Without
When Companies Think They Are Too Smart for Customer Serviceâ€
Poorest Customer Service in the Land Where it Really Counts
Key Training Ideas for Your Customer Service Program

Glossaries About Customer Service


Learn More in the Library's Blog Related to Customer Service and Satisfaction

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For the Category of Customer Service and Satisfaction:

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have beenselected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers Interview

'Hi! I want to ask for your help! Recently, I got a new Samsung in certain reason and I want to use the new phone but my old iPhone has lots of important data that I need in daily life. I want to transfer all data from my iPhone that I use right now to this new Samsung phone. However, I am a rather dull person, what should I do can make this transfer become more easily? Please help me and teach me some ways. Thank you so much!'

Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers Report

-- Comment from a Coolmuster loyal reader

Still worried about how to transfer from iPhone to Samsung like this reader who is in this predicament? Just relax, I will teach you certain ways to help you to transfer data from iPhone to Samsung without hassle. Can't wait? Let's go and get it!

Part 1: 1-Click to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung with Coolmuster Mobile Transfer
Part 2: How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung with Samsung Smart Switch
Part 3: 4 Tips to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung Manually

Part 1: 1-Click to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung with Coolmuster Mobile Transfer

This method is a super easy and efficient one that totally is suitable with the reader who asks for help. Coolmuster Mobile Transfer, also acted as a professional and comprehensive iPhone to Galaxy Transfer program, is aiming at helping users transfer files between two phones. Not matter which kind of phone you have, with this iPhone to Samsung transfer tool, you can transfer all vital files that you want like contacts, text messages, call logs, photos, videos, music, documents, apps and more from phone to phone with only 1 click. It's really safe your precious time on busy days.

Not only that, this is a multifunctional software, for example, not only can it directly move content between different smartphones, merge content in 1-click. Click the download button and install the program, follow the tutorial to begin your trip of the transfer.

Tips: Coolmuster Mobile Transfer can support:

- Android like Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+/S10e/S9+/Note 9/Note 9 Plus/J3/J3 Pro/A9/A8/A7/A5, HTC, HUAWEI, Sony, LG, ZTE, Motorola, and etc.

- iOS like iPhone XS Max/XS/XR/X/8 Plus/8/7 Plus/7/6s Plus/6s/6 Plus/6/5S/SE, iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad 2/1, iPad mini, iPod touch/Shuffle, and etc.

Steps to transfer from iPhone to Samung:

Step 1: Launch the Program and Connect Your iPhone and Samsung to Your PC via USB Cable Respectively

Open the program and connect your iPhone and Samsung with the different USB cable. You should download the latest iTunes before you connect your iPhone to PC. Make sure the 'Source device' is your old iPhone and the 'Destination device' is your new Samsung. Click 'Flip' to change their position if they are in the worry side. When you all set up, you will see the interface show like this:

Step 2: Transfer Data from iOS to Samsung with Only 1-Click.

Choose the contents, such as 'Contacts', 'Text Messages', 'Books', 'Music', 'Videos' and 'Photos', you want to transfer and then tick the 'Start Copy' button to start transfer all data from iPhone to Samsung with 1-click without hassle.

That is it! You've got it! Super easy right? The so-called one-click solution to all troubles.

Guess You May Like:

Part 2: How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung with Samsung Smart Switch

Before the operation, you need to...

Before using the Samsung Smart Switch, you need to backup and restore your iPhone with iCloud if you want to use the wireless function of Samsung Smart Switch to transfer the data from iPhone to Samsung, or you need a lightning USB cable when you select the second ways to transfer.

Next, follow the steps to transfer data from iPhone to Samsung with two methods of Samsung Smart Switch.

2.1 Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung via iCloud (Over Wi-Fi)
2.2 Transfer Data from Apple to Samsung via a Lightning USB cable

2.1 Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung via iCloud (Over Wi-Fi)

- You Should:

(a) Back up your data on your iPhone with iCloud.

(b) Download the Samsung Smart Switch on the new Samsung phone.

Step 1: Set up the Samsung Smart Switch on the Samsung device.

Open the app on Samsung, touch the option of 'WIRELESS', click 'RECEIVE' and select the 'iOS' as old device.

Step 2: Transfer Data from iOS to Samsung.

Sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID and password when Samsung Smart Switch asks you, choose the content you'd like to transfer and press 'IMPORT'. Tap 'CONTINUE' to transfer more data from iCloud. Also, choose the files you want to and tap 'IMPORT' again. Now, the transfer has finished.

Tips: There are other options for you to import.

- Click the 'DOWNLOAD' button under the 'Download and install apps' means it will download the Android version of apps that you installed on your old iPhone.

- Click the 'DOWNLOAD' button under the 'Download MOV player ' means you can read any video that taken on your iPhone.

- Click the 'GO TO WEBSITE' button under the 'Turn off iMessage ' means it will avoid interrupting your messaging services.

So this is how you transfer data from Apple to Samsung device with Samsung Smart Switch over Wi-Fi.

2.2 Transfer Data from Apple to Samsung via a Lightning USB cable

- You Should:

(a) Have a lightning USB cable and USB OGT connector.

(b) Download the Samsung Smart Switch on the new Samsung phone.

Step 1: Connect the Old iPhone to the New Samsung with the Lightning USB Cable.

After connecting your phones, your Samsung will pop-up the Samsung Smart Switch app and tick the 'RECEIVE' icon as a receiving device.

Tips: If there is no action of your Samsung, open the app manually and click 'USB CABLE' to go on.

Step 2: Scan the iOS Device and Import the Data.

On your iPhone, choose 'ALLOW' to grant the request that it asks. Now, wait a moment, the program is scanning the iOS device. After scanning, choose the data that you want and press the 'TRANSFER' icon to start the process. Click 'CLOSE APP' to end.

Busy contacts 1 2 13 – fast efficient contact managers interview

Be Systematic in Your Planning

Strong customer service is so vital to the surviving -- and thriving -- of your organization that it should not be done in a reactive and sporadic approach. Instead, it needs to be done proactively from a well designed customer service management plan. Think about the

  1. Inputs to the system, such as best practices in customer service, sales and marketing; computer technologies; funding; and human resources
  2. Ongoing processes to sustain great customer service, such as clarifying customers' needs, meeting or exceeding those needs, getting feedback, managing complaints, and overall managing customer relationships
  3. Outputs from the system, such as useful reports about customers' needs and activities, and more highly skilled employees in providing customer service
  4. Outcomes, the greatest of all including increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

Establish Customer Service Goals

  1. Consider your organization's overall strategic priorities. For example, does your organization want especially to increase sales and profits, increase impact in the community (if yours is a nonprofit), expand marketshare and/or reduce customer complaints?
  2. Then consider the different types of customers that you have (market segments) and how you want to manage each differently in order to help achieve your organization's goals. For example, do you want to focus even more on the most profitable customers? Reduce the types that generate the least revenues? Expand marketing to new customers to expand marketshare?
  3. Then consider where to focus in your customer service activities in each group. For example, better tools to get feedback from customers, starting a call center, starting a new customer service manager position and/or use more social media?

Be Realistic In Your Planning

Especially if yours is a small to medium-sized organization, or if this is your first time in being focused and intentional about customer service, then be very realistic about your planning. For the first draft of your plan, focus on its most basic elements and then embellish the plan as you implement the plan during its first year.
Customer Service Business Plan Template
Why Your Business Needs a Customer Service Plan
8 Steps to Creating a Superior Customer Service Plan
How to Create a Customer Service Plan
How to Create a Customer Service Plan

Also see
How to Do to Planning

Begin Changing Your Organization's Culture

Great customer service is a mindset. It is a way of thinking, prioritizing and planning about customers in an organization. It guides how decisions are made and how problems are solved regarding customers. When many people in an organization have that mindset, then the organization has a customer service and customer-centric culture. In that culture, organizations always 'partner' with customers to ensure a great customer experience -- they always solicit feedback from customers in order to exceed their expectations.

Research shows that long-lasting, successful change in an organization usually requires a change in its culture. Unless the culture begins to change, it does not matter how much advice and many tools that the organization gets. A change in culture will determine whether they are actually used or not.
What Exactly is a Service Culture?
How To Create A Customer Service Culture
Five Ways to Create a Customer Service Culture
What Does the Term 'Service Culture' Mean & How Do Companies Develop a Service Culture?
How to Build a Strong Customer Service Culture (Without Copying Disney)

Also see
Cultural Change
Team Building

Train Your Employees About Customer Service

Strong customer service requires well developed knowledge and expertise. It requires skills in building trust, having empathy for others, listening, asking thoughtful questions and sharing feedback. These skills do not come easily for most people. Therefore, arrange highly practical trainings for your employees -- trainings that match their busy schedules and trainings that include practice sessions.
The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support
How to Train Staff On Good Customer Service: Tips for Managers
How to Train Your Employees in Customer Service
10 Customer Service Training Tips Your Employees Need To Learn
Ten Tips for Effective Customer Service Training

Also see
About Training and Development


Clearly Identify Customers' Needs

One of the biggest mistakes that an organization can make is to assume that all of its customers are the same. The power of excellent sales, marketing and customer service comes from realizing that different types of customers have different types of needs. Do you have different groups of customers who have different needs? How do you know? Do some need prompt provision of products rather than ordering online? Self-maintainance rather than ongoing support? Basic functionality rather than high-quality? Consider the different groups to be different market segments.
Know Your Customers' Needs
10 Methods for Identifying Customer Needs
Identifying and Meeting Customer Needs
Identifying Customer Needs
15+ Questions to Ask Your Customers to Know Their Needs and Expectations

Also see
How to Conduct Market Research

Meet Customers' Needs

Different market segments have different needs. They have different interpretations of value -- of what will meet their needs. To remain viable, your organization has to be meeting the different needs of its different market segments. How do you best meet the needs of each different market segments? How do you know?
Your Customers' Needs Are Changing. Are You Keeping Up?
Focus First On Meeting Customers' Needs, Not On Delighting Them
What is Customer Value and How Can You Create It?
Customer Value: What it Means and How to Create It
Your Customers Have These 30 Needs. Are You Meeting Them?

Also see
How to Conduct Market Research
Product and Service Development

Get Customers' Feedback

The way to ensure that your organization is meeting the needs of its customers comes especially from their feedback. According to Barb Lyon, there are many different ways to ask: post-purchase and post-support surveys, enclosures in the monthly invoice, follow-up phone calls and quarterly or annual surveys. Each different market segment might prefer different measures. How are you getting feedback from each of your different groups of customers? Is feedback actively solicited or informally collected? What are you hearing from each different market segment? How do you respond to what you are hearing?
7 Reasons Why Customer Feedback Is Important To Your Business
Customer Feedback Strategy: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need
How to Get Quality Customer Feedback – 20 Effective Methods
Top 25 Ways to Get Customer Feedback from the Pros
2 Types of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Also see
Basics of Conducting Focus Groups
How to Give Useful Feedback and Advice
General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews

Measure Customers' Satisfaction

There are numerous different ways to measure the satisfaction of your customers. The challenge with specifying key measures is that not all businesses will use the same metrics. According to Barb Lyon, for call centers, support, and service desks, first call resolution is the Holy Grail. For a shipping operation, product delivery and project implementation, on-time performance is the measuring stick. In a high transaction business, the first interaction with a customer will be a key determinant of whether the customer will return. How should you measure satisfaction for each of your different market segments? How do you know?
My Top 5 Customer Service Metrics
How to Measure Customer Satisfaction?
How to Measure Customer Satisfaction, and Why It's So Important
6 Proven Methods for Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Why and How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

Also see
How to Design Successful Evaluation and Assessment Plans


Retain Customers

It is conventional wisdom among experienced marketers that one existing customer is worth five new ones. Bain & Company found that, 'increasing customer retention by just 5 percent can increase profits by 25 percent to 95 percent.' Yet, conventional wisdom is also that a typical business loses around 20% of its customers per year.

There are a variety of strategies to help retain your customers, as included in the articles listed below. Retention is primarily a result of customer loyalty. What should you be doing to retain the customers in each of your different market segments? How do you know?
What is Customer Retention?
The Ultimate Guide to Customer Retention
20 Customer Retention Strategies
17 Awesome Customer Retention Strategies That Work
10 Customer Retention Strategies to Implement Today

Manage Customers' Complaints

While some organizations consider customer complaints to be signs of failure, others see them as opportunities to learn from. Also, research suggests that customers who experience prompt resolution to their complaints often are some of the most loyal customers. However, there are some best practices in handling complaints that you should be aware of. How are you handling complaints to each of your different market segments? Is that the best approach for each? How do you know?
Why Customer Complaints Are Good For Your Business
The New Rules of Handling Customer Complaints
Developing a Complaint Handling Procedure
Handling Customer Complaints
How to Create Your Own Customer Complaint Process

Manage Customer Relationships

You can understand why the most important aspect between your organization and its customers is the quality of the relationship between the organization and its customers. That quality determines how loyal your customers are to your organization. Fortunately, there has been an increasing amount of research about best practices to manage the relationships. The field has come to be known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Various software packages make it much easier to collect, organize and reference a vast range of information about customers. CRM has been proven to increase the number of customers and profitability for organizations.
CRM 101: What is CRM?
What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?
Customer Relationship Management Tutorial
The Beginner's Guide to CRM: Customer Relationship Management
The Top Reasons CRM Software Fails

Evaluate Your Customer Service Management System

Evaluation should be done while you are working to satisfy your customers and to retain them. Periodically, you should stand back and evaluate your progress in achieving the various goals that you had established for your customer service management system.

Be sure to use the learning from your evaluation activities to improve the next round of the planning of your customer service management system. In that way, you are indeed treating your customer service as a recurring system of aligned and highly integrated activities.
17 Most Effective KPIs To Evaluate Customer Service Performance
11 Customer Service Metrics that Really Matter To Your Business
How to Evaluate Customer Service
How to Evaluate a Customer Service Representative
How Do You Measure Customer Service Success?

Also see
How to Design Successful Evaluation and Assessment Plans

General Resources

Additional Perspectives on Customer Service

Customer Service Tips
How to Manage Client Expectations After You Close a Sale
Do Your Customers Deserve a Bill of Rights?
Beware of Letting Competitors Distract You From Customers!
Customer Service or Torture?
Six Critical Steps to Training High-Quality Customer Service…
6 Tips to Delivering Customer Value (a Leadership Challenge)
Customer Service Answers You Can’t Do Without
When Companies Think They Are Too Smart for Customer Serviceâ€
Poorest Customer Service in the Land Where it Really Counts
Key Training Ideas for Your Customer Service Program

Glossaries About Customer Service


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Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers Interview

'Hi! I want to ask for your help! Recently, I got a new Samsung in certain reason and I want to use the new phone but my old iPhone has lots of important data that I need in daily life. I want to transfer all data from my iPhone that I use right now to this new Samsung phone. However, I am a rather dull person, what should I do can make this transfer become more easily? Please help me and teach me some ways. Thank you so much!'

Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers Report

-- Comment from a Coolmuster loyal reader

Still worried about how to transfer from iPhone to Samsung like this reader who is in this predicament? Just relax, I will teach you certain ways to help you to transfer data from iPhone to Samsung without hassle. Can't wait? Let's go and get it!

Part 1: 1-Click to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung with Coolmuster Mobile Transfer
Part 2: How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung with Samsung Smart Switch
Part 3: 4 Tips to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung Manually

Part 1: 1-Click to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung with Coolmuster Mobile Transfer

This method is a super easy and efficient one that totally is suitable with the reader who asks for help. Coolmuster Mobile Transfer, also acted as a professional and comprehensive iPhone to Galaxy Transfer program, is aiming at helping users transfer files between two phones. Not matter which kind of phone you have, with this iPhone to Samsung transfer tool, you can transfer all vital files that you want like contacts, text messages, call logs, photos, videos, music, documents, apps and more from phone to phone with only 1 click. It's really safe your precious time on busy days.

Not only that, this is a multifunctional software, for example, not only can it directly move content between different smartphones, merge content in 1-click. Click the download button and install the program, follow the tutorial to begin your trip of the transfer.

Tips: Coolmuster Mobile Transfer can support:

- Android like Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+/S10e/S9+/Note 9/Note 9 Plus/J3/J3 Pro/A9/A8/A7/A5, HTC, HUAWEI, Sony, LG, ZTE, Motorola, and etc.

- iOS like iPhone XS Max/XS/XR/X/8 Plus/8/7 Plus/7/6s Plus/6s/6 Plus/6/5S/SE, iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad 2/1, iPad mini, iPod touch/Shuffle, and etc.

Steps to transfer from iPhone to Samung:

Step 1: Launch the Program and Connect Your iPhone and Samsung to Your PC via USB Cable Respectively

Open the program and connect your iPhone and Samsung with the different USB cable. You should download the latest iTunes before you connect your iPhone to PC. Make sure the 'Source device' is your old iPhone and the 'Destination device' is your new Samsung. Click 'Flip' to change their position if they are in the worry side. When you all set up, you will see the interface show like this:

Step 2: Transfer Data from iOS to Samsung with Only 1-Click.

Choose the contents, such as 'Contacts', 'Text Messages', 'Books', 'Music', 'Videos' and 'Photos', you want to transfer and then tick the 'Start Copy' button to start transfer all data from iPhone to Samsung with 1-click without hassle.

That is it! You've got it! Super easy right? The so-called one-click solution to all troubles.

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Part 2: How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung with Samsung Smart Switch

Before the operation, you need to...

Before using the Samsung Smart Switch, you need to backup and restore your iPhone with iCloud if you want to use the wireless function of Samsung Smart Switch to transfer the data from iPhone to Samsung, or you need a lightning USB cable when you select the second ways to transfer.

Next, follow the steps to transfer data from iPhone to Samsung with two methods of Samsung Smart Switch.

2.1 Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung via iCloud (Over Wi-Fi)
2.2 Transfer Data from Apple to Samsung via a Lightning USB cable

2.1 Transfer Data from iPhone to Samsung via iCloud (Over Wi-Fi)

- You Should:

(a) Back up your data on your iPhone with iCloud.

(b) Download the Samsung Smart Switch on the new Samsung phone.

Step 1: Set up the Samsung Smart Switch on the Samsung device.

Open the app on Samsung, touch the option of 'WIRELESS', click 'RECEIVE' and select the 'iOS' as old device.

Step 2: Transfer Data from iOS to Samsung.

Sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID and password when Samsung Smart Switch asks you, choose the content you'd like to transfer and press 'IMPORT'. Tap 'CONTINUE' to transfer more data from iCloud. Also, choose the files you want to and tap 'IMPORT' again. Now, the transfer has finished.

Tips: There are other options for you to import.

- Click the 'DOWNLOAD' button under the 'Download and install apps' means it will download the Android version of apps that you installed on your old iPhone.

- Click the 'DOWNLOAD' button under the 'Download MOV player ' means you can read any video that taken on your iPhone.

- Click the 'GO TO WEBSITE' button under the 'Turn off iMessage ' means it will avoid interrupting your messaging services.

So this is how you transfer data from Apple to Samsung device with Samsung Smart Switch over Wi-Fi.

2.2 Transfer Data from Apple to Samsung via a Lightning USB cable

- You Should:

(a) Have a lightning USB cable and USB OGT connector.

(b) Download the Samsung Smart Switch on the new Samsung phone.

Step 1: Connect the Old iPhone to the New Samsung with the Lightning USB Cable.

After connecting your phones, your Samsung will pop-up the Samsung Smart Switch app and tick the 'RECEIVE' icon as a receiving device.

Tips: If there is no action of your Samsung, open the app manually and click 'USB CABLE' to go on.

Step 2: Scan the iOS Device and Import the Data.

On your iPhone, choose 'ALLOW' to grant the request that it asks. Now, wait a moment, the program is scanning the iOS device. After scanning, choose the data that you want and press the 'TRANSFER' icon to start the process. Click 'CLOSE APP' to end.

Now, have you know more about switching from iPhone to Galaxy using Smart Switch?

Part 3: 4 Tips to Transfer from iPhone to Samsung Manually

There are certain tips for you to transfer part of data from the iOS device to Samsung, if you are going from iPhone to Samsung. It is very scattered and only fit the man who only want to transfer partial data, such as mail, contacts, calendar, message, photos, videos, and music.

3.1 Transfer Mail, Contacts and Calendar
3.2 Transfer Messages
3.3 Transfer Photos and Videos
3.4 Transfer Music

3.1 Transfer Mail, Contacts and Calendar

(a) Using Gmail Account

It will be lucky for you to transfer mail, contacts, and calendar if you are a Gmail user on your iPhone because your mail, contacts, and calendar are all set up. Log in your Gmail account on your new Samsung first. Then, go to 'Settings' app, find the 'Mail' option, click 'Accounts' and tap your Gmail account to check if 'Mail, Contacts and Calendar' icon has toggled already. Turn it on and your mail, contacts, and calendar will show on your new Samsung.

(b) Using iCloud Account

Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers Test

If you are using iCloud account, you need to install two applications on your new Samsung to help you transfer. One is SmoothSYnc for Cloud Calendar for your transfer calendar appointments and reminders, the other is SmoothSYnc for Cloud Contacts for you to share the contacts.

Busy Contacts 1 2 13 – Fast Efficient Contact Managers Training

You May Need: Top 5 Ways to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Samsung S10/S10+/S10e

3.2 Transfer Text Messages

Here, you must use free applications of iSMS2droid or SMS Backup and Restore to transfer text messages. Download one of the apps in the Google Play store on your phones, and you can learn the step by step of iSMS2droid instructions and SMS Backup and Restore instructions.

3.3 Transfer Photos and Videos

Using Google Photos is simple to transfer photos and videos from iPhone to Samsung. Download the Google Photos on your iPhone first and upload the pictures and videos. Go to the Google Photos app on Samsung, select the files that you want and download them.

3.4 Transfer Music

As an Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music Unlimited, Google Play Music user, you can download the app on your new Samsung device to transfer your music from your iPhone. Just log in the account in your music app and you can get the music from your old iPhone. Or you can click here to know more about how to transfer music from iPhone to Samsung.

Tips: If you want to know how to use Coolmuster Mobile Transfer to transfer mail, contacts, calendar, message, photos, videos, and music, you can go to the related article to find out.

The Bottom Line:

After reading this article, there is a question for you.

- 'Which is the best one to transfer data from iPhone to Samsung safely and efficiently?'

As for me, the answer is the Coolmuster Mobile Transfer. No matter to merge content in 1 click or directly move content between different smartphones, it exhibits its powerful comprehensiveness and user-trusted security. You won't lose any data from Android when you use this program to transfer important data from the old iOS device to your new Samsung.

When you use this program by yourself, you will find that you don't want to use other methods to manage between your cell phones ever. Go and have a try the free trial version of Coolmuster Mobile Transfer first, you will find it is really suited for you.

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