Create Ram Disk Linux

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Dec 12, 2013 Create a folder to use as a mount point for your RAM disk. Mkdir /mnt/ramdisk. Then use the mount command to create a RAM disk. Mount -t TYPE -o size= SIZE FSTYPE MOUNTPOINT Substitute the following attirbutes for your own values: TYPE is the type of RAM disk to use; either tmpfs or ramfs.

  1. Create Ram Disk Linux Update
  2. Create Ram Disk Linux Server
  1. Dec 12, 2013 Check the amount of free RAM you have left on your machine before creating a RAM disk. Use the Linux command free to see the unused RAM. The below is an example of a 31GB of ram in a production server.
  2. Aug 27, 2020 RAM disk is a portion of the RAM that is mounted in your Linux as a directory. Make sure you have enough free RAM on the system so that portion of RAM can be allocated as a RAM disk. Now, Let's create directory /mnt/ramdiskname in your Linux.
  3. Dec 06, 2019 How to Create a RAM Disk in Any Linux Distro. First make a directory which can be anywhere in the file system such as. Sudo mkdir /tmp/ramdisk. If you want to let every user on your Linux system use the RAM disk, then change its permission to 777. Sudo chmod 777 /tmp/ramdisk.
  4. I imagine that this can work if you do have enough ram for the process's demands. I propose using tmpfs instead of ramfs; this way you 'll prevent kernel hiccups when out of ram. Just create a mount point and then mount a tmpfs on it (like here): # mkdir /mnt/tmpfs.ramdisk # mount -t tmpfs -o size=100M tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs.ramdisk.

In my previous project, I developed a real-time system, so faster speed for read/write temporary data is necessary. After setting, when Raspberry Pi starts up, a small ramdisk will auto-create.

What is Ram Disk?
A RAM disk is a portion of RAM which is being used as if it were a disk drive. RAM disks have fixed sizes, and act like regular disk partitions. Access time is much faster for a RAM disk than for a real, physical disk. However, any data stored on a RAM disk is lost when the system is shut down or powered off. RAM disks can be a great place to store temporary data.(online material)

Actually, it's very easy to set up ram disk, I list the steps.
I want to mount the smallest ramdisk in /mnt/rd.
1. Create a folder
Yate 5 1 1 1 download free. It means that you want to create a ramdisk here. Go to Terminal and type following command

2. Edit /etc/rc.local file
I use nano as editor

Copy all in the red box to the file before 'exit 0' (ignore other lines)
3. Reboot Pi and check ramdisk
After reboot your pi, you type 'df -h' to check disk status, you will see ram0, size is 7.8mb.
Yes, you can use it to boost your project.

by Mark Nielsen
About the author:

The author (home page) works atThe Computer Underground, Inc. as a fileclerk and asa professional consultant at his spare time, he does volunteer stuff, like writingthese documents. This document was editedusing Nedit and ispell.

Content: Circular studio 2 2 – powerful tiny planet photo editor.

How to use a Ramdisk for Linux



This article shows how to use RAM as a virtual harddisk.

Introduction to RamDisk

This is a brief article about how to setup a RamDisk on a RedHat 6.0 system. It should be very similar for other Linux distributions.

What is a RamDisk? A RamDisk is a portion of memory that you allocate to use asa partition. Or, in other words, you are taking memory, pretending to treat itas a hard drive, and you are saving yourfiles to it. Why would you want to use a RamDisk? Well, if you know thatcertain files you have are constantly going to be used, putting the files intomemory will increase the performance of your computer since your memory is fasterthan your hard drive. Things like web servers with lots of data can be sped upthis way. Or, if you are insane, and you have a PII 550 Mhz computerwith 1 gig of memory and an old 500 meg hard drive, you can use it just toincrease your hard drive space. Then again, if you want an almost diskless machine, itmight not be that crazy afterall.

Here are some more resources to help you.

  1. /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ramdisk.txt

This article shows how to use RAM as a virtual harddisk.

Introduction to RamDisk

This is a brief article about how to setup a RamDisk on a RedHat 6.0 system. It should be very similar for other Linux distributions.

What is a RamDisk? A RamDisk is a portion of memory that you allocate to use asa partition. Or, in other words, you are taking memory, pretending to treat itas a hard drive, and you are saving yourfiles to it. Why would you want to use a RamDisk? Well, if you know thatcertain files you have are constantly going to be used, putting the files intomemory will increase the performance of your computer since your memory is fasterthan your hard drive. Things like web servers with lots of data can be sped upthis way. Or, if you are insane, and you have a PII 550 Mhz computerwith 1 gig of memory and an old 500 meg hard drive, you can use it just toincrease your hard drive space. Then again, if you want an almost diskless machine, itmight not be that crazy afterall.

Here are some more resources to help you.

  1. /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ramdisk.txt

How to use RamDisk

Well, it is very easy to use a ramdisk. First of all, the default installationof RedHat 6.0 comes with ramdisk support. All you have to do is format aramdisk and then mount it to a directory. To find out all the ramdisks you haveavailable, do a 'ls -al /dev/ram*'. This gives you the preset ramdisksavailable to your liking. These ramdisks don't actually grab memory until youuse them somehow (like formatting them). Here is a very simple example of how touse a ramdisk. Those three commands will make a directory for the ramdisk ,format the ramdisk (create a filesystem), and mount theramdisk to the directory '/tmp/ramdisk0'. Now you can treat that directory as a pretend partition! Go ahead and use it like any other directory or as any otherpartition.
If the formatting of the ramdisk faild then you might have no support forramdisk compiled into the Kernel. The Kernel configuration option for ramdisk is CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM .

The default size of the ramdisk is 4Mb=4096 blocks. You saw what ramdisk size you got while you were running mke2fs. mke2fs /dev/ram0should have produced a message like this:Running df -k /dev/ram0 tells you how much of that you can really use(The filesystem takes also some space):

What are some catches? Well, when the computer reboots, it gets wiped. Don't putany data there that isn't copied somewhere else. Ifyou make changes to that directory, and you need to keep the changes, figure outsome way to back them up.

Changing the size of the ramdisks

To use a ram disk you either need to have ramdisk support compiledinto the Kernel or you need to compile it as loadable module.The Kernel configuration option is CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM . Compiling the ramdisk a loadable module has the advantage that you candecide at load time what the size of your ramdisks should be.

Okay, first the hard way. Add this line to your lilo.conf file:
ramdisk_size=10000 (or ramdisk=10000 for old kernels)
Akvis magnifier 9 0 1188 13948 download free. and it will make the default ramdisks 10 megs after you type the 'lilo'command and reboot the computer. Here is an example of my /etc/lilo.conf file.Actually, I got a little over 9 megs of usable space as the filesystemtakes also a little space.

When you compile ramdisk support as loadable module then you candecide at load time what the size should be. This is doneeither with an option line in the /etc/conf.modules file:or as a command line parameter to ismod:Here is an example which shows how to use the module:

  1. Unmount the ramdisk mounted in the previous chapter, umount /tmp/ramdisk0 .
  2. Unload the module (it was automatically loaded in the previous chapter), rmmod rd
  3. Load the ramdisk module and set the size to 20Mb, insmod rd rd_size=20000
  4. create a file system, mke2fs /dev/ram0
  5. mount the ramdisk, mount /dev/ram0 /tmp/ramdisk0

Example of how to use a RamDisk for a webserver.

Create Ram Disk Linux Update

Okay, here is an example of how to use 3 ramdisks for a webserver. Let us sayyou are 99% confident that your default installation of Apache for RedHat 6.0won't use more than 9 megs for its cgi-scripts, html, and icons. Here is how toinstall one.

Create Ram Disk Linux Server

First, issue this command to move the real copy of the document rootdirectory of yourwebserver to a different place. Also, make the directories to mount the ramdisks. Then, add these commands to the start procedurein your /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd.init (or where ever thehttpd gets started on your system):


  1. Please remember one thing, BACKUP YOUR DATA if you change it and you need it.When the computer reboots, any changes are lost.
    A cron job should do it. Haveit check every 10 minutes and see if any files have changed and backup anychanges. Anotherthing you could do is make your changes to the real directory, and then copyover the changes to the ramdisks. That is much safer.
  2. A cool use of this would be to have a computer with 1 gig of memory andthen use 256 megs for '/tmp'. If you have lots of processes that use '/tmp', itshould help speed up your system. Also, anything in /tmp would get lost when thecomputer reboots, which can be a good thing.
  3. Linux uses all the memory that is not in use by programs as a unified disk-cache but my experience is thatramdisks give you despite that still some speed increase.
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